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10 signs you may have Morton's neuroma

10 Signs You May Have Morton's Neuroma

Morton's neuroma involves the thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves leading to your toes, causing a sharp, burning pain in the ball of your foot. You may also experience stinging, burning, or numbness in the affected toes.

This condition typically affects the ball of your foot, especially the area between your third and fourth toes. It may feel as if you have a pebble in your shoe or a fold in your sock, causing discomfort.

Wearing high-heeled or tight shoes has been associated with the development of Morton's neuroma. However, switching to lower-heeled shoes with wider toe boxes can often provide relief. In some cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary.

One of the distinct characteristics of Morton's neuroma is that there is usually no visible lump. Instead, you may experience symptoms such as feeling as if you're standing on a pebble, a burning pain in the ball of your foot that may radiate into your toes, tingling or numbness in your toes. Many people find that removing their shoe and rubbing their foot can help alleviate the pain.

If you have been experiencing foot pain that lasts longer than a few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This is particularly important if you have a burning pain in the ball of your foot that is not improving, despite footwear changes and modifications to reduce stress on your foot.

Morton's neuroma is often triggered by irritation, pressure, or injury to the nerves leading to your toes. Factors that contribute to the development of Morton's neuroma include wearing high-heeled or ill-fitting shoes that exert extra pressure on your toes and the ball of your foot. Additionally, engaging in high-impact sports like jogging, running, snow skiing, or rock climbing, which involve tight shoes, can subject your feet to repetitive trauma. People with foot deformities, such as bunions, hammertoes, high arches, or flatfeet, are also at a higher risk of developing Morton's neuroma.

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